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By Jason Moore
I think most people would agree that there is far too much building around the coast of the Balearics. It is not only us, the residents, who are complaining even tourists are saying enough is enough. Previous administrations have tried to put a brake on building, the last coalition government called for a total freeze which was lifted as soon as the present Balearic government came to power. What people must realise is that what sells the Balearics at the moment is its unspoilt coastline and beautiful beaches. Excessive building, will in the long run, make would-be buyers look elsewhere because there is simply too much development. The Balearic government is faced with a major headache. The building sector is one of the biggest employers in the islands and is also one of the most lucrative. But surely even the constructors, themselves, will accept than we can't go on building at the rate we are doing so at the moment. The build, build and build policies of the past are already taking their toll on the islands. The Balearic government needs to make the issue of old and new building its Number 1 priority. It is not a short-term problem, it is our future. New legislation needs to be drafted which accepts that a necessary amount of building needs to take place but at the same time, the building faults of years gone by need to be rectified. At the moment we are lucky that we live in a paradise place which is sought after across the globe. This status is in danger because the local authorities prefer a short-term fix to a proper planning proposal. The islands' authorities are very fond of blue-prints, what is needed now is a blue-print for the future development of these islands which takes into account many of the problems which I have raised above.
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