THE Spanish government have already launched a major traffic crackdown, they are introducing the licence points systems and now they are planning to increase the age for riding a moped to 16. As part of this crackdown some traffic offences can be punished with jail sentences. Now, I sincerely hope that all the above and better roads will result in fewer accidents. But I am not convinced. Unless, the traffic police introduce a zero tolerance system and increase their numbers out on patrol I doubt that the new rulings will have any real impact. You don't get the impression in Spain that there is a fear of actually being caught for speeding or drink-driving. Also, the fact that the new legislation also seriously punishes drivers who don't have insurance or even a licence is very worrying. While, in Britain the police have been accused of being far to heavy handed in Spain I don't think they go far enough. There needs to be more speed cameras and more spot-checks.
There are literally thousands of road deaths every year in Spain and in most cases, the principal cause of accidents, is speeding or driving without the proper care and attention. The time has come for a radical shake-up; the government may be introducing new legislation but if it is not property enforced then we are going to experience the same problems as always.