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Dear Sir, In your today's edition you publish a letter from Mr. Lee which in ‘Fact 5' states that there is no difference in the ways in which Israeli Jews and Arabs are treated in their country. This is a nonsense. It may well be the case on paper that there is no difference but there is a world of difference in the way in which the laws are carried out in practice. I would advise Mr Lee to get and fully ready the book ‘ABC of Israeli Apartheid' by Dror Green, himself an Israeli, from Amazon Kindle Books. Throughout his book, and especially in the chapter on Democracy, Mr. Green exposes and rubbishes the myth espoused by Mr. Lee
Ian Spiby

Dear Sir, Thanks to Steve Humphries for his two splendid rebuttals to David Lee's defense of Israel. Mr Lee, who foolishly thinks that any criticism of that country reflects anti-Semitism, never refers to the illegal settlements on the West Bank. Like many thousands of others, I was delighted when Israel was established so that Jewish people would have their own homeland, but I did not consider the possibility that Israel would behave so harshly to the Palestinians.

Elena Davis

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