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By Jason Moore

THE ill-fated convention centre in Palma is rapidly becoming a monument to the recession. It stands there uncompleted and very large. I sincerely doubt that it will be completed for many years to come. But someone forgot to tell someone at city hall and every morning this week there are long traffic tailbacks because the pavement is in the process of being widened to facilitate the access of people attending conventions at the unfinished convention centre! Makes sense doesn´t it! To make matters worse the Paseo Maritimo is now the main entrance point into the city for thousands of tourists coming into the city from the resorts. And then there are the coaches, lorries heading for the port and lots more. So who in their right mind gave the green light to building work on the Paseo Maritimo during the busiest period of the year? Does the city council and Balearic government still believe that one day the con vention centre will open? If you look at the Palma seafront from the old GESA building onwards it is a complete nightmare. You have a beautiful new park and then some waste ground and then the convention centre. This building should have been attracting thousands of people attending business meetings by now but it is now slowly rotting away. Construction materials have been left abandoned and the whole building is at the mercy of the weather. What a sad state of affairs. But motorists be warned road works are in motion but don't ask me why.

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