I was interested to read a response in the letters to the editor section last week to my Viewpoint in which I suggested that non-Spanish EU residents were being snubbed because they were unable to vote in the general or regional elections. The gentleman in question, I was glad to see, had read my effort on our internet edition and was resident in the United States. He suggested that if I wanted to enjoy the full benefits of Spain I should become a Spanish citizen. I don't need to because as a European citizen and from a country which is a fully paid-up member of the European Union (bar the single currency) I should be able to enjoy the same rights here as I do in Britain. A nice dream you may say but now come down to earth. No, I'm afraid not we should be able to have the same rights otherwise greater European unification is nonsense. The fact that discrimination still exists is a sure sign that Europe is still not working as one. I can vote for the Mayor but not for the Prime Minister? This is a ridiculous state of affairs and is a classic example of window dressing by a Spanish government which wants to please Brussels but still keep power for itself and its own citizens. If the Spanish authorities really want the EU foreign community to get involved in local political affairs then they should open the floodgates and allow us full membership of the voting club. The proviso at the moment is that EU expats are allowed to vote in municipal elections because they pay rates to their council. But most people pay taxes to Madrid as well, ranging from car to income tax, therefore they should be able to vote for the big job in Madrid, as well.
We are Europeans