By Jason Moore
ON the outside everything appears to be rosy in Spain. The country is going from strength to strength economically and it is now a key player within the European Union. But if you scratch the surface all is not well. Over the weekend Catalans voted for more power from Madrid but only 50 percent of those entitled to vote did so over the weekend in the province presided over by Barcelona. The opposition Partido Popular, which opposes Cataluña's moves for greater power, said that with such a low turnout the referendum was not really valid. Prime Minister Zapatero has said that the time has come to move-on. But it appears to me that there is a break-up of Spain as we know it. While part of the country is backing the national team in the World Cup, the rest don't appear to care less and some Catalan politicians are actively saying that they hope Spain is knocked out. This divide in Spain has been brewing for many years and I think Zapatero is making a mistake by allowing Cataluña more power. The Basques will want the same treatment and it will go on and on. Also, I sincerely doubt that the Catalans will now stop their push for more home rule. Some of the more radical parties want Cataluña to be a self-governing region with little control from Madrid. Spain at the moment is a divided nation and it would be must unfortunate it this was to affect its national status.
All is not well...