LIKE many people I am always rather sceptical when it comes to politicians; the majority just follow the party line. There are a few exceptions but this week I was heartened to see that David Davis has placed his political career on the line to fight for something he believes in. Davis claims that fundamental British rights are being eroded away by the present British government. You could be cynical and say that it is just a stunt to further his career or it could be for the simple fact that he is a man of principle who has decided to make a point. The fact that the former editor of the Sun is considering standing against him I would say is just a stunt. In some ways David Davis is like a breath of fresh air. If more Members of Parliament had resigned during the infamous Iraq war vote perhaps things would have been much different. Stunt or no stunt Davis has made a point and I see that the majority of people seem to support him. As for the government who had to beg and plead to get MPs to fight for their terror legislation, well it is simply outrageous and probably explains why Gordon Brown is one of the most unpopular Prime Ministers ever. Well done David Davis it would be nice if more MPs showed your courage.
Well done David Davis
By Jason Moore