I would like to respond to your article concerning ID cards printed in the Majorca Daily Bulletin 30/05/2010.
Before I explain on a personal level my views on the introduction of ID cards, I would like to give some general opinions on the subject.
Firstly, if an ID card were introduced it would hold vast amounts of information from your address (and where you have lived in the past), who your family are, your religion, education and public services. It is likely to contain your fingerprints, scan of your iris or even your DNA profile. What reassurances are there about how our personal information is shared?
Concerning enforcement; what will be the consequences if you fail to carry, or lose your card? Even if it is not compulsory to carry the card at all times, if we need the card to access services surely it will be virtually impossible to live in society without it? Will we be subject to criminal prosecution or arrest for not having the ID card in our possession at all times?
Many are concerned that the system will foster discrimination and prejudice and lead to some sections of society being asked to prove their identity and their right to access more than others.
Concerning the resources needed to implement this scheme; surely there are better ways for this government to spend hundreds of millions of pounds each year? Setting up the scheme, including computerised cards, could cost £1bn. Maintenance of the system would cost millions more each year.
Also what about the functionality; why should we believe that ID cards will reduce crime, when there is no evidence of this in any EU countries that have ID Cards? Spain has ID cards, this did not stop the terrible Madrid bombings. As for the people who hijacked the planes on 9/11, they had valid passports and identification. Any criminal or terrorist, call them whatever you want, who is intent on causing destruction to our society, will not be put off because of ID cards. On the subject of Europe; how many countries adopted the use of ID cards through a democratic referendum? As far as I know the answer is: None. Napoleon was the first to introduce the ID card to France, by force.
On a personal note, I want to be able to go anywhere, and do anything that I am lawfully entitled to. I want to be able to do this, not only without the prospect of being stopped in the street and asked for identification - I do not want the authorities to be able to stop me at all. Of course if I happened to be engaged in any criminal activity, then I would expect and accept measures taken by the authorities to bring me to justice.
I could go on about the dangers of allowing those who serve us, or maybe govern us, to have such control over our lives, especially after so many instances of corruption and illegal activities within their ranks .
I served in Her Majesty's Armed Forces for nine years. During this time I was involved in gathering information concerned with the security of the UK. So I do have some experience and knowledge of how our government operates. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Best Regards