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Sailing into problems

I HAVE written about the severe shortage of moorings on the island many times and perhaps it would be a good idea if the local authorities gave some indication how they intend to resolve the problem. There needs to be a dialogue with the nautical industry;a classic example is what has happened in Puerto Andratx where the authorities have decided to rid the port of the so-called swinging moorings in the bay. I am told by boat owners in the area that this was done with little or no notice. This just makes the problem worse;if boat owners had been informed at the end of last summer that there would no longer be any swinging moorings then they could have taken the necessary action. But now, with the summer season just getting into full swing, they have been told that they must find another mooring, no easy task in Majorca. I am told that the port authority are looking into the possibility of bringing in so-called floating quays to resolve the problem. This would obviously be a welcome move. However, more information is certainly needed.

While plans to replace the Pollensa road with a wider beach is not a bad idea; there is obviously one major drawback what to do with all the traffic which uses this road at the moment. Puerto Pollensa has a rather nice beach at the moment and does it need to be any bigger? I would say a more pressing issue is to resolve the age-long problem of sewage flowing into the sea at the far end of the beach. This problem seems to occur every year. and is one of the reasons why Pollensa beach did not for many years win the coveted blue flag from the European Union.

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