D avid Cameron is reorganising his inner office at No 10. About time, too. Last week he brought in two backbenchers from the 2010 input in order to answer persistent criticism that he never listens to or talks with that group of new MPs. Jo Johnson, younger brother of Boris, was one of them and will be head of the No 10 policy unit; Jesse Norman was the other, invited to join the PM's advisory board of MPs.
Will these newcomers bring a breath of fresh air, of new and original Conservative thinking, to No 10? It seems unlikely because they share a background and outlook which is already over-represented in Mr Cameron's inner circle -- they are both Eton and Oxford educated like eight others in the Cabinet or holding key Downing Street posts. In an interview in the Times on Saturday Mr Norman was quick to explain why Etonians are so suited to government: Eton is a school which is dedicated to public service.
Other schools don't have the same ethos. They do other things. Not surprisingly head teachers of other private and state schools were quickly refuting Mr Norman's views and he was backtracking -- but the damage was done. Britain is run by a bunch of people who really do believe in their own superiority and have arrogance to match. Moving the chairs around won't change anything.