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Drone wars

by Jason Moore

T HE next generation of Royal Air Force jets will will be remote controlled drones, in other words pilotless aircraft. They will be controlled from the ground. The Ministry of Defence has already said that the future is with drone aircraft. But already there is growing opposition to the pilotless aircraft and the announcement that the Royal Air Force was now flying its Reaper drones from Britain rather than the U.S. has caused a public outcry. The Reaper is far less dangerous than the RAF´s Typhoon or Tornado aircraft but still there are some who would like to see the aircraft outlawed. The aerospace industry is not listening and they are in the process of producing new models which will soon be flying with western air forces. I believe that they are the future of military aviation. At the moment they are used in the surveillance role but the USAF has carried out military strikes with its Reaper drones. For the military they are an effective platform but for the anti-war lobby they are mean machines.

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