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Letters to the Editor

SOME years ago, a campaign was launched with the slogan ‘A tourist, a friend.' And if the above report is anything to go by, it is time it was revived. The Balearics have always had a reputation for hospitality and it is hard to believe that it has been lost. Do foreign tourists get a better welcome than Spaniards? The Bulletin gets lots of letters thanking Majorcans for acts of kindness, and certainly, more people have a smattering of - and in some cases are fluent in - several languages - than in other parts of the country. And there is nothing like a greeting in your own language to make you feel more at home. The report should give the local authorities food for thought. They are basing their tourist policy on gastronomy, culture and the environment but the Balearics are nowhere near the top of the league in these points, so there is a long way to go. Perhaps it is time to revive the ‘A tourist, a friend' campaign instead.

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