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UKIP challenge

by Jason Moore

I T is quite amazing but the United Kingdom Independence Party is on course to be the fourth party in British mainstream politics. UKIP is here to stay and the other three parties are to blame. UKIP has two key policies; the European Union and immigration; they are both big issues for the British electorate but really they have both been brushed under the carpet by the Tories, Labour and Liberal Democrats. The Conservative Party, fearing the rise of UKIP, has announced that a referendum will be held on Britain´s European Union membership, but it is too late; UKIP has already taken the glory with its eurosceptic policies. On immigration the coalition or Labour have failed to produce an immigration policy. Many have watched UKIP´s rise with interest. Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, has already met Rupert Murdoch owner of the Times and the Sun. This is a sure sign that he believes the party could be successful and challenge for parliamentary and council seats. I don´t particularly like UKIP but you can´t take away their recent successes. I also believe that Farage and his team are a wake-up call for mainstream politics. The three big parties should start listening to the people. Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats are pro-Europe, therefore they should start singing Europe´s praises to try and reverse the UKIP march. The Tories need to produce a European policy which all their MPs agree on. It is amazing but UKIP could just transform British politics.

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