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I RARELY feel so angered by any article which I read in the Daily Bulletin, but Jason Moore's suggestion that members of the Armed Forces returning home on the Royal Navy ship from Santander could/should have relinquished their berths in favour of returning British civilians is absolutely outrageous.

How can he possibly suggest that troops returning for precious leave time at home with family and friends having risked their lives in Afghanistan should take second place to a bunch of holidaymakers? It is an absurd idea and can only think that Jason Moore has completely taken leave of his senses.


Gill Prickett, San Agustin

DEAR SIR, WHILST I appreciate your natural concern for the predicament of the stranded Britons, I feel that your facts concerning the MOD are completely awry.
The MOD is not an independent organisation able to make unilateral decisions affecting the population. This organisation is directly responsible to the Government of the day and it is this latter element that you should have directed your comments at.

The Government was briefed on the developing situation on a daily basis and failed to produce appropriate contingency plans in good time, to assist those stranded Britons return home. The Government alone should bear the responsibility for the failure to assist our citizens, particularly as they indeed have the power to direct both military and certain civilian resources, which could have helped ease the situation.

Gerry Mulligan
Puig De Ros

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