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I would like to applaud John Lance for his letter to the Minister for Tourism Joana Barcelo regarding the shambolic situation of legal vs illegal holiday lettings.

It is about time that the powers that be realise that people have individual requirements for holidays and this includes many who prefer the flexibility that renting private accommodation offers.

The question of millions of Euros in lost revenue from missed additional spending and tax revenue surely cannot be ignored.
Is it not time that the Treasury put it's boot up the Tourist Ministry's backside!

Paul Rollings, Puerto Pollensa


As here in Spain our UK politicians have a reputation for deceit, dishonesty and self-interest. In the build up to the election in May this is reflected in their speeches, TV debates and manifestos. We all know that Britain is in deep debt which has to be repaid and will translate into savage public spending cuts and swinging tax increases. As a nation we owe £848.5 billion but who even knows what a billion is - a thousand million or a million million? Why don't the politicians express it terms we can understand? If each bread winner in the UK was told they are liable to repay £29'260 there'd be mass lynchings in Downing Street! That's why they keep stumm. TV reporters can grill Party Leaders for minutes on end without extracting the least mention of specific cuts.

They can remain stony faced no matter what insults are heaped on them as they prevaricate. Famously former leader of the conservative party Michael Howard avoided answering the same question put by Jeremy Paxman 14 times. This is the calibre of Westminster's best.

Our budding MPs don't want us to know what is really involved because they believe that we are thick and can be easily led. We cannot be trusted with the truth so instead of telling us what will happen we are fed promises of tax cuts and increased public services which they know won't happen – just the opposite. Our parliamentarians may be crooked but not stupid when it comes to the main chance. Have you ever thought that they may be correct in their assessment of the electorate? Obviously they would never admit to it. Ex Defence Secretary Michael Portillo, now ex Westminster is almost unique in openly accepting this view. TV reporters quiz voters on their preferences and almost without exception they decry all political parties, yet when presented with some of the gems in the manifests you can sense the fish swallowing the bait.

Mike Lillico, Playa de Palma

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