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Spanish legacy

by Jason Moore

“I wish the people of Spain took such pride in their country as the British.” These words were written by Esperanza Aguirre, the leader of the Partido Popular in Madrid and former regional Presdent in the area, in a Spanish newspaper over the weekend. She said that Britain should take pride in the way they had behaved during Margaret Thatcher´s funeral last week. She also had plenty of praise for the Iron Lady. Aguirre is one of the supporters of plans to name a street after Margaret Thatcher in Madrid. It has caused controversy but the Partido Partido are sticking to their guns and I suspect that Calle Thatcher will become a reality. According to the Partido Popular the Baroness played a key role in Spain becoming a member of the European Union. When you live abroad you get a far better perspective of what foreigners think about Britain. If you ask any Spaniard to name the present Prime Minister of Britain, many would be unable to answer. But they all know Margaret Thatcher, for better or worse. Thatcher is admired in Spain because she is the “Iron Lady.” Britain´s eurosceptic policies are often slammed in the Spanish media and obviously Gibraltar. But when it comes to the Iron Lady most Spaniards agree that she was an international leader who changed Britain for the better. If Madrid can name a street in honour of Margaret Thatcher I am sure Britain can. It would be rather odd if there was a Calle Thatcher but not a Thatcher Street.

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