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MR Moore's comments on the TV debate smack, to me, on jumping on the band wagon and echoing the media in the UK. Yea Mr Clegg is a “fresh face”, attractive personality, but if you are going to judge politics as a beauty parade spectacle, then we might just as well stay at home and let Simon Cowell and company decide the outcome! It is fairly obvious that the Lib Dem leader can make airy fairy promises to tax the rich, increase old age pensions etc. He may attract enough voters that will result in a hung Parliament, which, in my opinion would be the worst result of all, leading to stagnation and muddle, inevitably to another election. Mr Moore sees “an exciting” era dawning in British politics. I wish he was right. I see only squabbling and indecision.

Yours Sincerely
Phil Green, El Toro

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