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Britain's first-ever TV election debate between the three main party leaders took place in Manchester and proved to be more lively and informative than many had expected -- mainly because of a fresh and effective contribution from Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader.

The Vatican's problems over child-abuse by Catholic priests increased when a senior cardinal said he knew of psychiatric evidence that showed a link betwen homosexuality and paedophilia. The Vatican later issed a “clarification” of the cardinal's comments.

The Nuclear Security summit called by Barack Obama attracted 48 heads of state and achieved general agreement on the need for tighter controls of nuclear materials to prevent them from reaching terrorist organisations.

President Obama also held bilateral talks with several leaders including President Hu Jintao of China.

The Sudanese election was extended from three days to five but observers said that improper procedures had been noticed. Most eyes are now on the referendum on complete independence due to be held in the semi-autonomous southern Sudan early next year.

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