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British politics were rocked by e-mails emanating from Downing Street that contained unsubstantiated and unpleasant rumours about Conservative leaders.

Damian McBride, a senior adviser to Gordon Brown, resigned; the prime minister denied any prior knowledge of the e-mails and condemned them.

President Obama disappointed many people by refusing to lay charges against CIA agents involved in “extreme” questioning of terrorist suspects. Official documents showed that the agents had been given legal cover by the Bush administration.

French fishermen yet again blocked Channel ports to demand subsidies and higher fish quotas. The French government was criticised for failing to ensure the guaranteed freedom of movement within the European Union.

Somali-based pirates seized several more ships and demanded ransoms for freeing their crews. Richard Phillips, the captain of an America container ship gave himself up as hostage to the pirates but then escaped when US Navy sharpshooters killed his captors.

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