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Get what you pay for

WITH regard to the recent political “spat” in Calvia regarding a specific department for helping foreigners, i.e. non-Spanish, when one looks past these comments made before elections, most, if not all town halls will offer a service to their residents in the main languages. All should be aware, however, that the information given is at a primary level, more in the way of putting/pointing people in the right direction.

A town hall information clerk cannot be expected to give legal advice, technical assistance, etcetera and it could be misleading for them to do so. One is always recommended to go to professional bodies, be they gestor, lawyer, architect, etcetera.

New laws are constantly being introduced, and the following are of particular interest this year. One is on inheritance taxes related to those who are resident in the Baleares. Where the inheritance is between married parties, or in favour of children of the marriage, there is a flat rate to pay of only one percent; the heir(s) must be resident as well.

Non-resident heirs still have a tax-free amount, and it is scaled according to the relationship between the parties.
Secondly, the hitherto 5 percent capital gains tax on the declared value of a property, paid by a non-resident when selling a property, has been reduced to 3 percent. Not a huge saving, but every little helps! Anyone who purchased a property before 31st December, 1986 is free of all capital gains tax when selling here.

Finally, the full details of the new Certificate of Residence for EU citizens to replace the old residence permits are now in force, and the full information on this is available.

Gestors and lawyers should have all this information now, and one is recommended to use their services. After all, “one gets what they pay for in this life” and “free” advice on serious matters should be avoided at all costs. Past cases have shown it can turn out to be an expensive operation! Graham Phillips, Palma de Majorca

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