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By Jason Moore

WHO would have said that in the year 2011 street parties would be taking place in Britain thanks to a royal wedding? Who would have said that a quarter of the world´s population would be glued to their television sets to actually watch the event? There are some who have said that there is no place in these modern day times for royal family, I would say that they are seriously mistaken. A recent opinion poll in Britain said that more than half the population would be watching the wedding (that it is about 35 million people) and in the United States the major television news networks will be giving the event blanket coverage. It is certainly not an event to be missed.

The British monarchy, is unique in the world because you could say that it is a worldwide monarchy. With the royal wedding next week Britain has a golden opportunity to shine and I suspect that it will do. There is one thing that Britain knows how to do, and that is pomp and ceremony. Even on Majorca parties are being planned to mark the event. Republicans are obviously not welcome! Britain can be proud of its monarchy. Britannia may no longer rule the waves but the attraction of the British royal family does not appear to be diminished. And that is very good news.

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