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By Jason Moore

I thought long and hard what to write about in this piece yesterday afternoon but there is only one event in the news at the moment which everyone is talking about and that is the royal wedding. Spanish television has dedicated hours of programming this week and Prince William and Kate Middleton have become household names.

Spain, which as we all know has its own very popular royal family, has gone British royal wedding mad and yesterday I noted that all the three main Spanish TV stations were dedicating a sizeable part of their programming to the big event. I would even say that the wedding in Britain has helped some Spaniards forget the severe recession which the country is undergoing. The fact that Queen Sofia and the heir to the Spanish throne Prince Felipe and his wife Doña Letizia are attending has given Spain added interest. I sincerely hope that all goes well in today´s wedding. It is an event to celebrate and hopefully it will lift the spirits of the people of Britain. Full marks to all those who have organised parties today to see the royal wedding. When I briefed my Spanish colleagues yesterday on all the parties and receptions which are taking place in Majorca they were literally amazed. Fingers crossed that all goes well.

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