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By Jason Moore

IS this one of the most boring British election campaigns ever? The thought of another three weeks of just endless TV coverage of Gordon Brown kissing babies and David Cameron talking with a mug of tea in his hand fills me with fear! Now obviously we have the TV debates to look forward to but at the moment the election campaign will do little to end voter apathy, infact I can see even fewer people voting for the mainstream parties.

The campaign appears lifeless and is just three men in suits who look more like door-to-door salesmen than Prime Ministers. The Conservatives are having a particularly poor campaign so far and as yesterday´s poll for the Times showed they are rapidly losing support. Their problem is they appear to be unable to get their message across. It does sound incredible but Gordon Brown is probably the leader who has scored the most brownie points in the first week of the election campaign. The Tories have plenty to do and Cameron should allow other members of his team to play a more leading role. With a Labour government which was deeply unpopular it is quite incredible that the Conservatives are not 18 points clear in the polls and thinking about forming a government. At the moment they are not even close.

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