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Dear Editor
I read with a wry smile the recent award given to GOB for work in preserving the environment.
I did canvas GOB last year to help stop the wanton destruction of the nature reserve at Puerto Pollensa, now bulldozed to provide a totally useless road link. GOB did not reply to my correspondance and this new road has not only ruined many hectares of bird santuary but will now house over 200 street lights along its length from the coast road through to the new roundabout on the edge of town.

This invasion of night light is damaging both to the environment - what electricity consumption is involved ? - and is damaging to the night sky.
A final issue that is a future concern - on the Google Earth website, reported in the Bulletin recently, this part of the coast is going to be severly affected by coastal flooding in the future. So, all the council have achieved in reality is laying down the foundation not for a road but for a massive river bed that will allow sea water to flood the whole of Puerto Pollensa town. This will destroy the whole area as a tourist resort. Does anyone on the council have any idea what real damage this stupid road will cause? And as for GOB, well I hope they accept this award with due humilty! Regards, John Reeves
Dear Sir
AS the topic of dogs is in the news at the moment may I mention that as a regular visitor to your beautiful island and always enjoying a walk along the promenades provided for the public to enjoy - my enjoyment is often upset by careless dog owners who allow their pets to use the walkways and sometimes the beaches as toilets.

So many times I and my friends have had to divert to avoid some dog mess that we now all seem to walk with our eyes down in case of stepping in some dog mess instead of looking at your beautiful scenery.

It is not unusual to see dogs walking the streets - seemingly allowed out of their homes without supervision.
Whilst it is not unusual to face a similar problem in UK - it is vary rare to see a dog out on it's own. If the dog is being walked by the owner - the mess is usually cleared up straight away by the responsible owner.

Remember dog mess is a serious health hazard - particularly to children! Thank you for your regular news on line - I look at it every day! John Harris
Dear Sir
FURTHER to Mr. Petijean's letter about cyclists on the island, I would like to say, that living on the East coast of Mallorca our roads are full of cyclists between January and May each year. However they are most welcome, provided they adhere to the rules of the road, and don't ride two, three or four abreast, ignore give way signs, and enter roundabouts either when they want to, or enter them the wrong way ... unfortunately the majority DON'T.

So, in that case, please leave us to enjoy our wonderful Mallorcan pot-holed, obras littered roads all to ourselves! Ian Morrison
Calas de Mallorca

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