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The Ban on plastic Bags

I refer to the proposed ban on the use of plastic bags used in most shops and supermarkets and wonder if the people who made this decision have ever been shopping.

Almost everything you buy is either wrapped or packaged in plastic of one form or another.

So far as any food product is concerned, it was Brussels who introduced a law a few years ago that food should be covered or wrapped and plastic packing was adopted as the most hygienic way to keep food fresh.

Plastic bags by the tills are just a drop in the ocean to the mountains of plastic used for any conceivable purpose in today's commercial world.
Shops here are now selling biodegradable bags at till points for shoppers to use.
Why on earth could they not have supplied free biodegradable bags to customers years ago?
Obviously, no one in the European Parliament ever goes into a shop because they are too busy making laws which do not make sense! Yours truly

C Crane
Palma de Mallorca

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