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HAVE you noticed the contrast between Spain and northern European countries?
In Germany and France and England, smokers are sent outside to indulge their addiction, while non-smokers remain indoors, in a smoke-free atmosphere.
In Majorca, where smoking is encouraged and permitted in public areas and where food is prepared and consumed, violating all norms of hygiene and safety, it is the non-smokers who have to flee outside to escape the clouds of air pollution, while smokers remain indoors.

It is no use even asking a smoker to refrain from lighting up his fag while you finish your meal: his pharmacological addiction to nicotine does not even allow him the choice of lighting up or not lighting up. He will tell you to go outside, while he puffs his exhaled smoke over the tapas.

So much for European laws and regulations on health and safety in public areas.

Garry Bonsall, Alcudia

DEAR SIR, I hear that you printed my open letter to Sra Barcelo and for that I thank you. Whether Sra. Barcelo responds or re-considers her views on the matter remains to be seen. Regardless, as a result of my letter appearing in your newspaper, I have been overwhelmed by letters of support and have been requested by many to consider the possible set-up a group or association of Majorcan holiday-property owners so as to lobby the Tourism Minister en masse in an effort to discourage her from proceeding with the proposed crack-down on holiday rentals, a move which we feel would not only be detrimental to tourism to Majorca but would weaken the already depressed real estate market. With that in mind, I would like to invite all owners of rental property on Majorca to contact me and let me know if they would be willing to help form such a pressure group. My email address is
Thank You

John Lance, London

DEAR SIR, THE interview of Minister Joana Barceló with Jason Moore is a huge disappointment. JM's questions have addressed the rainbow of concerns but the response is no more than sheer platitude. None of the problems have been addressed, no suggestions or solutions given. Sheer dreams by a detached politician with little sense of reality. The impetus must and will come from the private sector and they too seem to be slow learners. Hard times are encroaching upon us.


Arye Berest, Ibiza / Palma

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