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By Jason Moore

THE Conservatives and the Labour Party must be kicking themselves for allowing the Liberal Democrats to take part in the leader`s election debate on Thursday night.

A former leading Conservative politician told me last week that Gordon Brown and David Cameron had scored an own goal by allowing Nick Clegg to take part. Judging by the opinion polls he was spot on because Clegg has been proclaimed as the overall winner, well ahead of his Tory and Labour counterparts. In some ways I am pleased because Clegg and his party do add another dimension to the campaign; the Liberal Democrat leader looks young and fresh compared to Cameron and Brown who appear rather tired and lacking in ideas. Now, I sincerely doubt that the Liberal Democrats will go on and win the election but a strong third party is good for Britain and democracy. Clegg´s success is yet another headache for Cameron because a strong showing for the Liberal Democrats will be bad news for the Tories especially in marginal constituencies in the south of England. One thing for sure is that the Liberal Democrats are back on the political radar and the bookies have slashed the odds on Clegg becoming PM. What an absolutely fascinating election campaign.

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