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Centro Canino victory

THE Centro Canino animal refuge has scored a notable victory with the Palma city council carrying out a major u-turn and deciding that the dogs home would not be closed down. Last week the city council boldly announced that the remaining dogs at the home would be taken to the municipal pound in Son Reus today; however, towards the end of last week the council appeared to be backing down and then announced that the Centro Canino could stay open with its dogs. I just don't understand why. After talking to council officials they were quick to say that the refuge's paperwork was not in order. But all of a sudden a compromise is reached and that is the end of the story.

One person I was talking to the other day said that the council's change in attitude had come about because it was election time! I doubt it but the possibility of protests with dogs campaigning against the closure must have made the council think. Full marks to the Centro Canino for all their hard work and dedication and for a notable victory.

I think we have all played a small part and I must admit I was furious when I saw the dogs being carted off to the pound.
However, this is one doggie tale which appears to have ended happily.

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