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By Jason Moore

I sometimes wonder why NATO exists because it is the same old countries which appear to provide all the troops and the same old countries always sitting on the fence.

Take Libya, there is a clear NATO mandate but as usual many members do not want to commit any more troops or military muscle. NATO must step-up its air campaign if a quick and effective solution is to be brought about in Libya. But, as usual the call has fallen on deaf ears, and in the end it will be Britain, France, Canada and the U.S. who will supply the additional aircraft. It is the same old story in Afghanistan; part of NATO does the fighting the other part stays back at base. Is this a military alliance or is it just a certain few who want to get involved? The brunt of the fighting in Afghanistan is being performed by British, U.S. and Canadian troops.

The other NATO members will not get involved in the frontline. Perhaps, NATO should be divided into allies and fair-weather allies! How would NATO have coped with a Soviet invasion of Germany? Well, by its present track record some nations would have committed troops, others would have thought about it and the reminder would have stayed at home to await development. Does NATO need reform? Well, perhaps NATO members should just read the small print on what they signed when they joined the alliance!

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