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Hamas is asking the impossible

l Dear Sir, In his usual one-sided and biased comment whenever the concerned, Ray Fleming accuses them and the European Union of making a lamentable decision in halting financial aid to the Palestinians. He totally ignores the reason for such an act, i.e. the refusal of the new Hamas Government to recognise the State of Israel and its Government, clinging to their oft declared aim of “destroying the Israelis and driving them into the sea”. May I ask you Mr. Editor how is one to deal with such an entrenched view, when this Arab government will not abide by the previous administration's accord to follow the Road Map to Peace. Mr. Fleming appears to have forgotten that the Map was devised by the Americans and British to bring stability to Palestine and Israel with the recognition of the former as an independent entity and the fixing of frontiers to enable Israel to live in peace with their neighbours. These aims, it seems, are to be flouted by Hamas, who want nothing other than the impossible “final solution of eliminating the Israelis”. Surely, even Mr Fleming can see that this would indeed be a “Lamentable Decision”, so that the imposition of sanctions, harmful as this will be to the Palestinians, may be the only way to get Hamas to abandon their insane objective. Phil Green, Nova Santa Ponsa.

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