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“Wimps on parade...”

Dear Editor, WITH the current heavy news coverage on the fifteen sailors and marines taken prisoner by Iran, their release etc, whilst they wear the British uniform, I wonder if they have a right to. The comparisons of their stay in Iran shows a sharp contrast to those other British military personnel captured a few years back, photographed beaten but unbowed showing the guts and character we have always been proud of in our services. To cap it all, to sell their story for a “large sum” must make every real serviceman or woman sick to their stomach. Also, for Britain's enemies around the world where before our forces were universally feared in battle, seeing these wimps on parade must give thme great heart for the future. Graham Phillips, Palma
Dear Editor
PERHAPS Anna Nicholas could publish the details of her car so that we benighted Lycra fiends could cower in the roadside verges and doff our ludicrously unstylish helmets as she sweeps majestically by on yet another mission to to clear the roads of the island of grotesque waggling buttocks endangering the poor motorist protected by only half a ton of steel.

Such a self important view might be quite funny were it not for the underlying message of intolerance and superiority which it reveals, quite at odds with the courtesy shown to us by the majority of the island's drivers, not to mention the efforts of the efforts of the tourism people to encourage more cyclists to visit the island.

Reckless fools on bikes seldom live too long, reckless fools in cars live to terrorise another day. Fortunately the majority of Majorcans will not read this petulant diatribe and we can all continue to enjoy the roads in our own way. Arthur Petitjean, Ca'n Picafort
Dear Sir, AS a Brit, who came over to watch the terrific Track Cycling World Championships in Palma, I write to advise you of one misunderstanding in Jason Moore's piece Viewpoint, with which I otherwise entirely agree. The BBC's Cycling Correspondent (7 times World Pursuit Champion) Hugh Porter was broadcasting each day from the Palma Arena. As was clear from within the Arena, this included live TV coverage (I assume on BBC2) throughout Sunday afternoon's exciting finals with live interviews from the floor and the commentary position with Chris Hoy etc.

Undoubtedly things would be even better with lots more cycling and far less football. However on this occasion I believe the BBC is Not Guilty on your charge.

I've much enjoyed reading your newspaper during my 4 day stay. Thank you very much. Paul Williams

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