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AS a “gift to Britain” President Ahmadinejad of Iran freed the 15 service personnel who had been held captive after allegedly operating in Iraqi waters. On return to Britain the prisoners said they had been subjected to isolation and pyschological pressure.

In Iraq four British soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb of a kind which prime minsiter Tony Blair said was supplied to insurgents by Iran.
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Syria and met with President Assad. She was criticised by Presídent Bush who said that the United States should not talk to terrorists.Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, suggested holding talks with the Arab League about the Saudi Arabian peace plan for normalisation of Israeli-Palestinian relations. However, Mr Olmert made clear that the plan's proposal for the return of Palestinian refugees to land they had once owned was unacceptable.

In France a high-speed train travelling on the new Paris-Strasbourg line broke the world rail-speed record at 575kph (357mph).
BULLETIN Headlines of the week. l TUESDAY: Power Boats Go Green In Majorca/ (A Pollensa-based company had adapted a super-yacht to run on vegetable oil). l WEDNESDAY: Rude Cabbies Face Tough Crimes/ (Taxi drivers in Manacor had been warnned they could face fines of 3'000 euros for rudeness or poor service to passengers). l THURSDAY/FRIDAY: Coming Home/ (After almost two weeks Iran had freed the 15 British sailors and Marines captured when allegedly straying into Iranian waters). l SATURDAY: Animal Refuge Facing Closure/ (The Centro Canino, founded by Jane Reynolds in the 1960s, was facing closure by Palma Council because of problems over its legal paperwork).

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