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AS an ex councilor I was very interested to read Councilor David Summer's comments on UK local government,...more or less taken from ‘Standing Orders', at least that was what they were called in my day. However where I was ‘it did not work like that!'. Vested interests, friends of applicants, local knowledge, lobbying, even friendships with officers could and did effect decisions. I stood and was elected with high hopes of helping my borough but was soon disillusioned.

These days Councilors are very well paid and I discovered in Wales that £11.000 plus is their reward with added expenses but it does not help to endear them to the voters who do not hold them in high regard. With the recession one wonders why their remuneration and numbers are not reduced.

Jill Carter

I was amazed to read your article in today's MDB re the Head of the Majorcan Tourist Board who is apparently blaming easyJet and Ryanair for never bringing “quality tourists” to the island. There must be more to this story. If not, is this guy for real? Surely if he thinks that there are not enough “quality tourists” on the island then he needs to start looking closer to home? As the head of the Majorcan Tourist Board, is it not his job to encourage “quality tourists”? And if there are not enough “quality tourists” for his liking maybe he should consider sacking himself for not doing his job.

Does he seriously suggest that easyJet and Ryanair should start vetting their customers by banning “low quality tourists” and forcing “high quality tourists” to come here whether they want to or not? Maybe customers should complete a Quality questionnaire before being allowed to book their flights.

Martin Page

TRUST the Head of The Majorcan Tourist Board to insult some of his most faithful visitors! Just how are property owners here expected to get to the island? EasyJet is about the only way to fly from London & the South East in the winter months. When I came in December both Gary Lineker and Peter Stringfellow were on the same flight! Not quality enough, huh! Jean Howard, Portals

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