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Dear Sir, I read with interest the Majorcan chamber of commerce's involvement in an attempt to promote shopping to boost winter tourism and so logged onto the website, The website, although mentioning a discount “green card”, makes no reference of how to obtain a card. Further, the main menu titles of, “Institutional presentations, Learn to know Majorca, Enjoy Majorca, Maps” have no links. If then you click on the “Route Palma” sections of, “Shopping” or “Do not forget to visit” the pages are completely empty! Yours truly,

John Rule
Sol de Mallorca

Dear Sir, CORRECT me if I'm wrong but one of the main attractions of Majorca is feeling safe and more relaxed than in the U.K. Things will be dearer this year but, believe me, more Brits will want to get away from the problems at home. We lack the weather and everything is expensive.

Trev Smith
Bristol, U.K.

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