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The Iron Lady

By Jason Moore
I find it rather distasteful that in some part of Britain Margaret Thatcher´s death has been celebrated. I sincerely doubt that all those involved would like their death celebrated but Margaret Thatcher continues to divide Britain even after her death. But I suppose this was to be expected. She was a controversial figure. Anyone who attempts to comment on the “Iron Lady” must first look at 1970s Britain. The country was in serious decline, the trade unions were very much in charge and foreign investors stayed clear. Britain was a worse risk than Cuba. As my father said on many occasions “Britain had gone to the dogs.” The miners had brought down Edward Heath and were willing to do the same to any leader who opposed them. Trade union militancy was so bad MI5 were called in to vet workers at one car plant. Some even said that there was a communist plot to takeover Britain. In thespace of four years Margaret Thatcher sent a task force which recaptured the Falklands and broke the back of the militant trade union movement. Some have accused Thatcher of destroying the coal mining industry in Britain; let us remember that Arthur Scargill, the miners' leader, was looking to destroy Thatcher and her government. In some ways it was a fight for survival which Thatcher won. Looking at the dithering politicians we have in Britain at the moment it is a shame that there isn´t a new Thatcher waiting in the wings. She is certainly needed.
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