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Dear Sir,

I congratulate you on your superb coverage of the tributes to Margaret Thatcher, who sadly passed away yesterday. She was the first woman to become a British Prime Minister and the greatest leader of our Country in peacetime. Today, it grieved me to read about the small number of our youth who “rioted” in various cities yesterday, to supposedly “celebrate” her death. These mindless adolescents were merely alcohol, fuelled opportunists, with no conception of what the great lady achieved. Indeed, many of them were not even born when she was Prime Minister, and thus were completely unaware of what a poor state our Country was in when she came to power. It was Margaret Thatcher's forthright determination and unique perception, which prevented anarchy from engulfing our politics, and it, was her that endorsed the essential modernisation of our industry. Some believe that the austerity measures we are currently experiencing are bad, but in the days before Thatcher, 3 day weeks were the norm, food was in short supply and those who were employed in unsustainable “jobs for life” adversely, exerted their influence on government! Although, along with Europe, we are now experiencing a dip in growth, we are globally recognised as a centre of banking, a trading nation, and have a military renowned for its efficiency. All of this is thanks to the vision and assertiveness of Margaret Thatcher. RIP

Gerry Mulligan

Dear Sir,

Heaven forbid I should ever be considered a snob, but as a long term (over20 yr.) resident of Santa Ponca, I simply have to protest against the erection of the abomination that now assaults the senses at the beginning of Jaime1. The garish and utterly tasteless façade of the new Pirate Village, has all the qualities of a house of horrors normally more associated with the center of a travelling fairground than what had, up to now been quite an elegant avenue. This truly hideous construction, which would even appear low brow in Magaluf, should never have even been considered, leave alone allowed to reach fruition. The argument that it will give a boost to local tourism is a complete myth. As it will undoubtedly be ‘all inclusive,' it's input toward the local economy and businesses will amount to just about zilch. How anyone even obtained planning permission for this utterly disgraceful blot on the landscape simply defies the imagination. To my mind, whoever gave the go ahead for this project should be drummed out and never allowed to hold office in any planning capacity again. Let us also hope that not only will this be a ‘one off,' but when the entertainment complex it contains begins its operation, they will have to comply with the very strict rules regarding noise and outside entertainments that other venues and establishments in the area have been somewhat rigorously enforced to do over the years. Why do I somehow doubt it?

Yours in utter bewilderment

(Leapy)Lee Graham

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