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Majorcan Mayors

A big thank you to Andrew Ede for the insight to the background to the Mayoral system in Majorca.
As a councillor in Local Government in England, the article is an eye opener to one who has to fill in a declaration of any financial or other interests within the Borough on an ongoing basis. I have to declare any interest either personal or prejudicial before all committee meetings.

I have to declare any gifts or hospitality over £25. There is also a code of conduct and a council's constitution. Planning applications are open for public consultation, objections and petitions, held in public and resided over by the Planning Committee.

This is the law of the land and must be adhered to by all councillors.
The only way there will ever be any change in Majorcan politics is to change the laws and make sure they are up held by keeping everything open to scrutiny by the public.

Anyway the idea of becoming a councillor or mayor (and I'm sure many do) should be to help the community not line your own pockets.
Councillor David Sumner

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