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I VERY hope we shall not have to put notices warning bathers of glass on our beaches, hardly good publicity for up market, expensive resorts.
We need to stop louts and vandals from breaking their beer bottles on the rocks and get them to use the rubbish bins provided. Offenders should be sent home on the next plane.

In our area the most numerous item of litter is cigarette packets. Does smoking make people selfish and inconsiderate as well as damaging their health?

Regards, Robin Musters

THIS e-mail is to warn people travelling in their vehicles on departing the Majorca to Barcelona ferry.
It has come to my notice that an organized gang is operating targeting the occupants of vehicles after departing the ferry at Barcelona.
The gang are slashing a tyre of the vehicle whilst still on the ferry and a short distance from the ferry another gang member on a motorbike will indicate to the driver that he has a puncture.

On stopping the motorbike rider distracts the driver by showing him or her the punctured tyre. It is then that a third member steals valuables from the vehicle while the driver is distracted.

In one case the thief returned with the drivers coat, house keys and passport! But all the money had been taken.
The Police were called in this particular case but failed to attend.

Thank you
A resident

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