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Majorca: a Wonder of the World

Dear Sir,
l ACCORDING to an article which appeared in the magazine Newsweek, the so-called Seven Wonders of the World are seriously threatened by two main factors: climate change and mass tourism. For example, the canals of Venice are confronting one of the highest ever rises in water levels, mainly because of global warming. In Peru, the Inca's sacred mountain and archeological site of Machu Pichu is risking ground damage to its main temples because of a massive influx of tourists. I wonder if the Island of Majorca, which we hold so dear but do not always treat so well, is a “marvel” for leading authorities in Tourism, such as Joan Flaquer ... Everything seems to indicate that for such people, Majorca is merely an island where they are allowed to bring tourists at any price, carry out projects such as ports and airport enlargement, and to build hideous hotels and housing estates along the coast without being restricted by law. If we, the Majorcan citizens continue allowing such assaults on our territory and to vote for those who carry them out, not only will Majorca lose its charm but we who live here will be the worse off. It's worth admiring how the countries which have the good fortune to possess one of the Seven Wonders of the World protect their cultural and historic heritage from the ravages of mass tourism. Balearic President Matas and company seem not to be well advanced in this matter. Maybe they'll see the light after learning that money doesn't grow on trees.
Miquel Estelrich, Cala Rajada
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