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By Jason Moore

IF the opinion polls are to be believed then Spain is heading towards a swing to the right. Opinion polls in our sister newspaper Ultima Hora over the weekend forecast a landslide victory for the Partido Popular in the forthcoming local elections.

The Partido Popular, under Jose Ramon Bauza, will take the local government, Council of Majorca and the city council. The opinion polls nationwide also give the Partido Popular a comfortable lead over the ruling socialists. The announcement that Prime Minister Rodriguez Zapatero has said that he is not standing has led to calls from the Partido Popular for early elections. For the last four years the Balearics and Spain as a whole has been ruled by the socialists. However, the severe recession has hit their popularity. But there is a danger for the Partido Popular, they must win an overall majority in both the Balearics and in the Spanish parliament if they want to ensure that they form the next governments. If they fail this would open the door for the socialists to form coalition governments both in Palma and in Madrid. However, judging by the opinion polls at the moment this is not going to happen. But still the Partido Popular can´t drop their guard. As they say, a day is a long time in politics.

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