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A real winner for Majorca

By Jason Moore
WELL, you read it here first! Michael Winner´s review of the Deya restaurants in the Sunday Times was great reading for Majorca; food heaven and his new found love for the island has given Majorca a boost. He told me how he was very impressed with the island when I interviewed him three weeks ago during his visit. It is also food for thought (excuse the pun); two top food writers, (the other being Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber) have now given Deya full marks so perhaps the island authorities should act on this state of affairs and start promoting Majorca as a “food heaven.” If you haven´t been living on Mars for the last three decades you already know that the island has some fine beaches and great climate, but a food heaven...? this is certainly something new and it certainly should be an added attraction especially for the more lucrative high end of the market which Majorca has wanted to attract for so long. Many congratulations to Deya and of course to the Hotel La Residencia. I suspect that probably as a result of all the great publicity Deya can look forward to an even better summer season.

WE are constantly being told that we can look forward to a great summer season so why is it that everyone is complaining. In some resorts you can count the tourists on a single hand. Ok, I know that Easter was early this year and it didn´t coincide with half term but surely the island should be getting into the mood? Many hotels, which opened for Easter have closed again and are not going to re-open until next month. Certainly a sign of the times. Fingers crossed that things will improve soon.

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