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Rocky issue

By Jason Moore

PRIME Minister David Cameron arrives in Madrid on Monday for talks with his Spanish counterpart, Mariano Rajoy, with the thorny issue of Gibraltar top of the agenda. Rajoy´s government has taken a tough stance over the “Rock” with ministers saying that they will never visit Gibraltar as long as the Union Flag is flying there. The previous Spanish government of Rodriguez Zapatero had a much better Gibraltar policy which involved talks with both Britain and the government of the British outpost. Foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos even visited Gibraltar. But that was then. Since Rajoy came to power there has been a growth in the number of incidents with Spanish police launches crossing into Gibraltarian waters, allegedly to protect Spanish flagged fishing vessels. I sincerely hope that the Rajoy government changes their stance and follows the example set by the previous administation. Dialogue involving all is the only way forward for Gibraltar and its people.

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