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By a narrow majority the Serbian parliament formally apologised for the 1996 Srebenica massacre of 8'000 Bosnian Muslims. But the strength of the opposition to the apology and the absence of the word “genocide” left observers doubting whether it would help Serbia's ambition for membership of the EU.

Silvio Berlusconi once again defied expectations that he would be a loser in Italy's regional elections by winning four of the thirteen regions at stake. His coalition partners, the Northern League, also did well.

Pope Benedict XVI said in his Palm Sunday address that his faith had helped him to avoid being intimidated by allegations against Catholic clergy made by “the petty abuse of dominant opinion”.

President Obama annoyed environmentalists by authorising drilling for oil and gas on America's East coast and in the waters of northern Alaska. Meanwhile, it was reported that the first drilling off the Falkland Islands had failed to produce evidence of oil reserves.

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