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Let the judiciary act

By Jason Moore

F OR once I agree with the Partido Popular who said yesterday that it was far too early to talk about stripping the Infanta Cristina of her title of Duchess of Palma de Mallorca after she was summoned to give evidence to a Palma court which is investigating allegations that her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, embezzled six million euros of public funds. The facts in this case are that the Infanta and her husband have not been charged with any offence. Urdangarin has been questioned twice by a Palma judge and now the King´s youngest daughter has been summoned to appear before the same judge later this month. End of story. They both deny any wrongdoing. Therefore the local authorities should not get carried away. There is a danger in this case of a trial by media and both the King of Spain and Judge Jose Castro have said that no-one is above the law. This is very true so the judiciary should be allowed to act and discover the facts in the case without speculation and rumour-mongering from the media. This is a very serious case and it must be remembered that everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. The Palma city council have already called on Cristina´s husband to refrain from using his official title, the Duke of Palma and the street which had been named in their honour has now reverted to its old name. All this has taken place eventhough no formal charges have been made. Let the justice system decide and then everyone can act accordingly.

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