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Letters to the Editor

Dear Sir, Another excellent editorial. Why did you not stand for DG of the BBC?
The BBC news channel parades a stream of discontents proclaiming no cuts in my back yard. Rarely are they challenged as to where they would make cuts and if they are they respond with tax the bankers. Would applying 100% tax on bankers or perhaps exterminating all bankers solve the UK's economic problems? If I paid a TV licence fee I would be demanding a 50% refund.

Geoff Williamson
Santa Ponsa
Dear Sir, Good news for Majorca if there are to be more flights into Palma this year! Can I put in a plea for us people from Wales please? You may or may not be aware that the Welsh Assembly Government are taking over Cardiff Airport from Albertis which is dying on its feet with passenger numbers dwindling. You may also have picked up on the fact that IAG (BA & Iberia) are aiming to buy the majority stake in Vueling.

Cardiff lost its Majorca connection when Bmibaby shut down and the only replacement has been a June and July service by Vueling. Since that was not announced until late in the Autumn my wife and I have booked over 24 journeys to and from Palma via easyJet at Bristol. This is an hour and a half's journey from Cardiff adding parking costs and journey time to our flights.

How about Vueling being persuaded to make Cardiff a ‘base' with planes operating from there all the year round with the support of the Bulletin? The new Chairman of the independent company to operate Cardiff Wales Airport is Lord David Rowe-Beddoe, a sound business man who would I am sure look at any way to increase traffic through Cardiff Airport.

Have a go Bulletin! Christopher Pollard O.B.E.
Gold Bendinat Calvia

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