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Dear Sir,
l I have to disagree with you 100% (Viewpoint Wednesday) regarding the rescue of Mr Kember in Iraq as in your editorial of the 29th. The armed forces are not there to extract idiots like him from kidnappers. If people like Mr Kember have a problem with their counties' armed forces being in a foreign land let them make representation in their counties and not put themselves and rescuers in dangerous situations. Christian zealots like Mr Kember are as bad as their Muslim counterparts and are just adding fuel to the fire of a “holy war”. I would welcome a statement from the UK that if so called “peace workers” are kidnapped either for political, religious or financial gain they will not be aided by the UK. This will send a message to kidnappers that there is no profit in kidnapping.
John Rule Sol de Mallorca Dear Editor,
l CAN anybody really believe that Norman Kember didn't thank his rescuers? (Viewpoint Wednesday) I'll bet he was thanking them at every possible opportunity during the rescue and that should be enough. Too many people seem to think it necessary to have a press conference for any happening, great or small.
Regards, Barry Emmott
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