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By Jason Moore
THE new Balearic government took power just over a year ago with a seven party coalition being formed after the Partido Popular failed to gain an overall majority by just a few thousand votes. But almost 12 months since the big day and after plenty of talk it is difficult to say what has been achieved in the first year in power. Some would say absolutely nothing. The Metro is still closed the new national health hospital will be built where the previous administration wanted it and the new planning laws appear to be stuck very much in the mud. It can´t be easy for Balearic leader Francesc Antich to keep the coalition together especially when you take into account that they all fought against each other in the recent general election. But perhaps the time has come for the coalition to live-up to some of its election promises. Obviously, the planning laws need to be changed and there is also a need for cheap housing. The local economy also needs some help, especially the construction industry. I think everyone has their doubts about coalitions and the inactivity of the Balearic government clearly underlines this state of affairs. There are many problems which need urgent attention in the Balearics at the moment and I fear that many are just going to be shelved because of possible infighting within the coalition.

P.-S. What a disaster at Terminal 5. It is quite amazing that Britain can`t even open a terminal when the rest of the world is busy building new airports. My heart goes out to all those poor people who have been left stranded all because of some major planning errors.

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