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A key election issue

By Jason Moore

OUR useless green certificate or residence permit has become one of the key issues in the local election campaign. The candidate for Mayor in Calvia of the Partido Popular, Manuel Onieva Santacreu, said during a meeting with the foreign community that he would do his best to try and rid expatriates of this useless document. His powers are obviously limited, because afterall it is a matter for the government in Madrid, but at least local politicians have realised how important this issue is to the non-Spanish community.

The more protest the better and then perhaps the authorities in Madrid will fully appreciate what a complete waste of time this document is. The candidate´s words on the useless form were well received by the 100 people who attended the meeting. I believe that if local politicians start concentrating on issues that non-Spanish residents feel strongly about then they will vote at the next local elections this spring.

The useless green certificate unites all members of the non-Spanish community and it is probably the only issue which they all feel very strongly about. So perhaps the local election campaign could still burst into life and perhaps expatriates just might vote. The green cetificate needs to go and we want the return of our old residence permits, this is our election war cry!

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