By Jason Moore
THE threatened airport strike over key Easter and summer dates has hit bookings to Spain and now we face another strike in the Balearics by bus drivers. Staff at the municipal bus company are set to go on strike at the end of this month and the stoppage could bring chaos as the municipal bus company is used by thousands of people including many tourists. The bus drivers are striking in support of a pay claim. The last thing the Balearics needs at the moment is a wave of industrial unrest.
The island has a golden opportunity to regain its position as one of the top holiday destinations in the world and this state of affairs should not be dented by strikes. The Spanish government has been forced to introduce a number of changes to the labour laws and has also ordered cutbacks in an effort to bring the country´s massive budget deficit under control. My advice to the trade unions would be to try and work with the local authorities because Spain is still in recession and has the highest unemployment rate in the European Union. Presently, there are more than four million people without a job. The following months could be crucial for Spain as it battles to move out of recession. Industrial disputes need to be put on hold for now.