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Dear Sir,

HAVING viewed on TV, (and heard) the Heather Mills tirade, followed by the release for publication of the courts' findings, I can only say that Paul McCartney is well rid of this individual, and at a cost of around 3 percent of his reputed wealth, cheap at the price paid.

Hopefully, Sir Paul will have learnt his lesson, and will remember in the future the old expression “there's no fool like an old fool” and avoid a repetition of this unfortunate affair.

Yours Sincerely,

Graham Phillips, Palma


Dear Sir,

“ONWARD, onward went the 600” is a line from a well known poem and it seems that the season has arrived for the return of the lycra lout cyclists who come in droves from all over Europe to this island. They show total disregard for other road users including other cyclists and they are a breed unto themselves.

We are told to “think bike” when using the roads. These people never think about other road users as they weave in and out of traffic, sometimes four abreast or in bunches. They appear to totally ignore stop signs, traffic lights and one way streets. When will the authorities start dealing with this problem and stop blaming everyone else for the accidents these cyclists cause.

Remember, it is just as traumatic for a motorist when a cyclist gets killed.
It is time for them to think too!

Yours Sincerely,

C Crane

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